Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Pear Tree
There was an Indian Chief who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge
things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at
a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in
summer, and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe
what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.
The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so
sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever
The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with
fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they
had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season,
and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that
come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons
are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the
beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don't judge life by one difficult season.
Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come sometime.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christ In Us!
Contentment. Resting. Peace in knowing that all is well with your soul. Assurance of everlasting bliss. God wants each one of us to possess these gifts from Him. The Good News is we are not alone. God is with us and not against us. His deepest desire is to GIVE us the Kingdom of Heaven. He has provided the Way through His Son, Jesus precious Christ.
Comfort and Joy! Good Will toward men! God REST ye merry gentlemen, all you triumphant ones, all ye faithful ones. These are the products of the right Gospel. The Good News...the lighter yoke of Christ. Religion would make you perform and promotes conditions and fear. To be faithful is to turn your ear and heart from this false gospel. Stay convinced of the Good News of redemption. You have been accepted into the Beloved of Christ. You are not condemned nor rejected. YOU ARE DEEPLY LOVED AND HAVE BEEN PURCHASED BY THE PERFECT BLOOD OF CHRIST. Nothing is left for you to "do," except rest. . in peace. . .knowing all is well. Believe and stay convinced of His mighty Grace and Love and let us build one another up in our most holy faith. That's my Christmas prayer for us all.
by Max Lucado
Like Mary, you and I are indwelt by Christ.
Find that hard to believe? How much more did Mary? No one was more surprised by this miracle than she was. And no one more passive than she was. God did everything. Mary didn't volunteer to help. What did she have to offer? She offered no assistance.
And she offered no resistance. Instead she said, "Behold, the bond- slave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to Your word" (Luke 1:38).
Unlike Mary, we tend to assist God, assuming our part is as important as his. Or we resist, thinking we are too bad or too busy. Yet when we assist or resist, we miss God's great grace. We miss out on the reason we were placed on earth-to be so pregnant with Heaven's Child that He lives through us. To be so full of Him that we could say with Paul, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." (Gal. 2:20)
What would that be like? To have a child within is a miracle, but to have Christ within?
To have my voice, but Him speaking.
My steps, but Christ leading.
My heart, but His Love beating
in me, through me, with me.
What's it like to have Christ on the inside?
To tap His Strength when mine expires
or feel the force of Heaven's fires
raging, purging wrong desires.
Could Christ become my self entire?
So much Him, so little me
That in my eyes it's Him they see.
What's it like to a Mary be?
No longer I, but Christ in me.
These days are filled with so much right now and coming from all directions. Everyone is affected. Let us encourage one another daily to remember that we are not alone....that there is a GREAT AND LOVING GOD WHO WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE US. Herein is the Good News! Merry Christmas!
Monday, October 12, 2009
And Again I Say, "Rejoice!"
Rejoicing Always!
By: Graham Cooke
Living in Christ makes us vulnerable to laughter. Laughter is more than a choice; it’s a requirement for us that we be happy. God’s highest plan for our lives includes a desire for us to find, live in, and love the joy that is in Christ. God is good news! His love and presence is an absolute tonic for us.
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full,” Jesus said in John 15:11. Every time God speaks to us, or reveals more of His nature to us, joy is part of that equation. Beholding Him and becoming like Him is an invitation to party and celebrate with Him. Everything God says to us is designed to bring us into joy. Everything in the Kingdom of Heaven is about gladness, joy, happiness, and laughter. God wants to bring a smile to our faces.
God is joyful because He knows what’s coming next. He knows the final score. When you know the end from the beginning, you can’t help but laugh at all of evil’s schemes and tricks. They become irrelevant when you know that you win. There is a continuous joy in Christ that runs so deep that no one else can even touch it. But to access it, we need to learn how to rejoice in all things.
For me, joy is a safeguard. It’s a shield against the enemy. When the enemy comes, we can laugh in his face—because God laughs at him first.
I once had a dream where I was on a battlefield. We had just fought off the enemy, but we had lost a lot of good people. There weren’t many of us left; we were small and pitiful, to be honest. Every one of us was wounded. I myself had at least a dozen sword gashes on my arms. I was bleeding badly, and was absolutely exhausted.
Suddenly, a trumpet blew, and I saw another enemy army take the field in front of us. I looked around but saw no reinforcements for our battered side. The enemy was powering up. Their ranks were swelling with every passing moment. It was a hopeless fight, but our ragtag band of survivors gathered close together and got ready.
As I set my feet and gritted my teeth in preparation for the enemy’s charge, I noticed a man next to me was dressed as a restaurant waiter. Perfectly-pressed black trousers, a bowtie, a crisp, white shirt, and a white towel slung over his arm.
“What are you doing?” I asked incredulously.
“Would you like the melon or the soup?” he replied.
“What?” I asked.
“Melon or soup?” he said.
“How can you talk about food at a time like this?” I demanded.
The waiter ignored me and went from person to person, asking, “Melon or soup?”
“Are you mad?” I said. “Don’t you see what’s happening? Don’t you see the blood all over the ground? Don’t you see the enemy over there? How can you talk about lunch at a time like this?”
“Mmm-hmm,” he answered. “Melon or soup?”
I lost my temper completely. “Are you stupid or something?” I screamed. “You want to talk about food at a time like this?”
Suddenly, I woke up to find myself shouting, “Talk about food!” in my bedroom. In that instant, I received a powerful revelation, found in Psalm 23:5—“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”
When we’re on the battlefield just trying to survive the next wave of the enemy, God is thinking about menus. He looks around and says, “What a great place for a picnic! We can have sausage rolls, meat pies, cheese sandwiches. This will be perfect.” He is so secure in who He is and in His power to defeat any enemy that He can feed us in the middle of the worst battle of our lives. And that confidence should be a source of pure joy in our lives.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
All Men Have Clay Feet
We have not chosen God, He has chosen us (John 15:16).
It is God Who wills in us to do His good pleasure (Phillipians 2:13).
It is God Who gives to every man his measure of faith (Romans 12:3).
It is God Who orders the thoughts of a righteous man (Proverbs 16:3).
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23).
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to men as He chooses (I Corinthians 12:11).
God has mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy (Romans 9:15).
Anything and everything that a Christian might accomplish is by grace, and God's Holy Spirit. It is not of works that any should boast.
No one should inflate themselves, have confidence in self, or think highly of himself. All of this is pride and pride blinds us to the truth. When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch (Luke 6:39).
Be wary of following men, the doctrines of men and denominations. There is but ONE ROLE MODEL, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will lead each of us into all truth.
All men have clay feet.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
God's Good Will For You!
Don't go to the city of Morality and TRY to become a good person . . . you can never learn to be a moral person and earn Heaven. Anyone who tells you that is a liar and deceiver. It is another gospel. Performance teaching will crush you,it is a HEAVY YOKE. Rather, listen to Evangelist and to the message of Redemption . . . good deeds are the effect, not the cause. They are the response to Grace.
It is God's Good Will and pleasure to GIVE you His Kingdom! And once you are on the other side of the Gate, you are perfectly safe! But stick to the true path of God's Grace and Redemption. . . .
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He is the ONLY Person that God ever gave authority to to be our Guide . . . Remember this well, for others have made false claims to speak for God . . .BUT THEIR WAYS ALWAYS LEAD TO DEATH.
You can't cleanse your dusty heart on your own . . .you need the water, which is the Gospel of Christ. Your heart is cleansed only by the Gospel of Christ.
Jesus is feeding the fire of God within you and it will never go out! Religion will try to put it out, and you may weaken, but God will not allow it to go out. Good News!
The self-righteous man was so satisfied with himself. I've been there. And as soon as you fall, you are in despair and doubting castle. Christ gives you HIS righteousness through faith . . your saving faith. It is a Gift of the Father's Grace. It's all about GRACE! Grace is a Holy Thing! Legalism will kill your joy!! As you received Christ, so walk in Him. :) You bear the mark of Christ. Go in peace!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New Wine in New Wineskins
New Wine in New Wineskins
By Fred Pruitt
All my Christian life I've heard people say, and I would often be in agreement, that we should do our best to do things like the "early" or "primitive" church. One of the first things I heard from someone close to me was that at His church, "We do things like the Bible."
And interestingly, just like every car dealer who advertises on TV has the "LOWEST PRICES -- GUARANTEED" (something which can't be true for every one of them), most churches will make that claim or at least admit to that as their goal.
I've become convinced that is a completely wrong focus. We cannot reproduce the early church, and though some may claim it, I do not believe the New Testament lays out "how to do church" in the same way Moses was given the pattern for the tabernacle on the mount. That temporary tent gave way to Solomon's Temple, which was destroyed, and then subsequently rebuilt here and there until the time of Jesus of Nazareth when it was updated by King Herod, and then completely destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.
As the book of Hebrews states, that institution, which always was meant to be symbolic and representative of the true temple which is the body of Christ, has been overridden in the once for all sacrifice of Jesus our great High Priest, who interecedes eternally for us in the heavens, thus abolishing any need for the earthly temple and its rites for all time.
The new temple of God is we ourselves, humanity brought back through the Cross into the paradise of God, where the New Testament is fulfilled in us by the Spirit of God who dwells in us, where Ezekiel's word is fulfilled:
"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God." (Ezek 36:26-28)
He has given us a new heart because the heart of man, previously given only to wickedness because of our old master and indweller, has been cleansed and made new since Christ has come into our hearts and now dwells there. And further He has given us His Spirit, the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead which now enlivens our bodies and souls. He has taken away our hearts of stone, hearts which had no regard nor compassion for anyone else and sought only to lift ourselves up and feed ourselves at the expense of everyone around us, and replaced them with His own Heart of flesh, which suffers with those who suffer, weeps with those who weep, mourns with those who mourn, and also rejoices with tears at the overwhelming boundlessness of the love and grace of God, which manifests out of our lives not in judgment and criticism of others, but in all things having only one desire and goal: to lift others into the love of God.
And even further, in filling us with His Spirit, He has promised something much more than we can think or imagine or scarcely believe ( because it is so WONDERFUL), because He (GOD) has said He will CAUSE us to walk in His statutes and to keep His judgments and do them. This flies into the face of everything we've ever learned or been taught our whole lives, and shatters into pieces the hundred-foot thick wall of self-pride that guards us all which says, "I will be like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:14), which is self-idolatry at its core, and throws our precious imaginary self-responsibility (which is also known as "our righteousness") into the stinking cesspool where it belongs, so that God may be All in all IN US!
In so doing, He has brought us back into the land of our fathers, the land of Promise, and gives us rest from our labors even while we take up His easy yoke and carry His light burden. Again, we find ourselves incredulous because this stirring in our bellies we have felt for so long but have been afraid to let go, has finally erupted into an outflowing river which we know we were promised in the beginning but we had no way to believe -- for how could we have known? It is exceedingly above all we dared to ask or think!
And here we have come home again, because the Lover of our Souls has taken us into His bosom. We have been made one with the Father even as Jesus is one with the Father. (Jn 17:20-21). THE GOD has become OUR GOD, which means our whole spirit, soul and body vibrates and resonates at every level, from the subatomic particles that vibrate in all the atoms of our physical beings to the intangible thoughts that shoot through our consciousness like the wind -- we don't know where they come from nor do we know where they go. Since He is now OUR GOD, meaning our All in all, our hope, our life, our faith, our desire, our heart, our goings out and our comings in, the government has now been eternally established on HIS shoulders, and we need no more temple, no more sun, no more moon (light from outside us to guide us -- Rev 21:22-23) because now the true Inner Light has come, the Daystar from on High, and has permeated every fiber of every part of us, whether we have realized it or believe it -- or not.
And that is the New Covenant!
This is not some refurbished old covenant, where we are always trying to recreate something which went on in the past. New wine has to be put into NEW WINESKINS -- i.e. new forms to hold and express it. That is why it is impossible to take this move of the Spirit of our time, Christ living in us AS US, and put it into the old forms and traditions of the past. It will only burst and destroy them.
This is a new time and this is the wave of God's spirit for our time. God's people are being raised up to know who they are in a living and conscious way. Not in rigid dogma and complicated theology. Not in more seminars and programs. Not in bigger and more modern buildings. Not in further and further separating ourselves from the hurting people of the world by having a sickening proliferation of more and more "Christian" things, things by which we testify to the world not that we love it as the Father loved it and sent His only Son into it that He might reconcile all things to Himself, but things which testify to the people of the world that we have only disdain for them and we are better and more moral and more righteous than they are and we reject them and all that they do.
This is the time that we throw away the old forms if they have no life in them. This is the time when we dare to believe that we are HE living in the world, and that in all that we do there is a living river of living water flowing out of our midst. We dare to believe that that river waters all the world around us with blessing and with grace and joy. We dare to believe that we are those who lift others up. We dare to believe we are sent not to condemn and put down, but to bring life and to save. We dare to believe we make plants grow in a dry desert -- where it has been impossible for them to grow. We dare to believe that we have no more need for the religious traditions of the past and break out into new ways and new forms which have never been heard or seen before.
What made the "early church" vital and electric and spread like wildfire weren't sets of techniques we can figure out and emulate. It wasn't because they in their time were so close to the original Apostles and Paul. It was because it was a new thing GOD was doing. It was God, living and vital in the PRESENT MOMENT. They had no traditions from the past to draw from, so they dared to believe that like Abraham, everywhere they put their foot God was doing that new thing, that it was their land to possess, and they were free to develop it as the Spirit moved in them.
We don't recreate the early church by trying to figure out how they did what they did and then trying to copy that. We have no need to do that, because God is in us NOW -- TODAY -- to will and to do of His Good Pleasure.
The NEW covenant has no form except that which we give it in the living out of our lives. Now that He has come to make US His dwelling place forever, and to walk in us and be our God, He TRUSTS US -- YES US! -- to put on any skin we please, any dress, any suit will do, and we thus possess the land, and it even now is flowing with the milk and honey of the Lord.
We are walking in the living fulfillment before our eyes of God's promises, that we have been made absolutely, completely, totally NEW CREATIONS, and that now ALL THINGS ARE OF GOD. He has given us a ministry of reconciliation, where we declare to the world that which God has sent us to say, that because of Christ Jesus he imputes no more sins unto men, we say again -- HE IS NOT IMPUTING TO MEN THEIR TRESPASSES (and we dare not hold them in their sins if God does not). This is THE WORD of reconciliation he has sent us to say and to live. (2 Cor 5:17-20) We are the living forgiveness and reconciliation of God in the world. We only open our eyes and our hearts and believe, speaking it out with our mouths and pens.
This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty. Heaven and earth are full of THEE!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Truth and Good News About Curses's been a long time coming, but the truth must be proclaimed and Jesus must be glorified.
So many "Christians" are living scared, and are hiding, isolating themselves (bunker mentality) avoiding contact . . afraid of one another. Lies are told by leadership in order to induce fear. Wrong doctrines and mind sets are taught. Why? Because that's one way to control. Legalism + fear = control!
It becomes the "Salem Witch trials" all over again! They would judge, try and convict innocents based upon false teachings about "curses." Whenever something BAD happened to someone within the village, they would point fingers to anyone they could convince others that that person is to blame for their trial or misfortune. Stay away from that person! WATCH YOUR BACK! The SCARLET LETTER system was enforced, along with shunning, discrediting, slandering and burning at the stake! Superstition, elitism, unbelief, wrong teaching, fear and lack of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ were, and still are, behind these evil acts. (And these definitely are not the "Acts" of the Holy Spirit!)
Here's the Good News people of God: "Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified)." ~ Galatians 3:13 Jesus not only removed the power of sin over and within us, but also the system of curses that was behind the Law that He fulfilled for us. In Christ, we become a NEW Creation . . ALL THINGS PASS AWAY, BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE NEW! This includes not only the dominion of sin, but any curses that come from living a broken law.
Unless, of course, you follow another "gospel." Then, out of your own choice and unbelief, you are "accursed." The Apostle Paul warned in strongest possible way about the attitude of God toward those who would pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can understand this, as it cost God His only Son, and Jesus a horrible death by crucifixion. He stated:"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:8, 9
Okay, so if you feel you are being "cursed," and you are a believer in Christ, I would first look at your beliefs. Is your Christianity based and maintained on your performance? Or is it a Gift from God, rooted and maintained on Jesus' performance? Do you believe in the "If . . then" doctrine of the Law or are you in the liberty of Christ's "Yeah . . .and Amen?" Is it Good News, or fearful existence? ARE YOU UNDER A HEAVY YOKE, OR CHRIST'S EASY YOKE?
Once you've established and walking in the Grace and Truth of Christ's salvation, you will have to then realize that He is ADEQUATE and SUFFICIENT! He is ENOUGH! He covers you, keeps you and you are under His inheritance of blessings, not curses. Our identities must be IN Him and based upon HIS OBEDIENCE and HIS PERFECTION, we have the favor of God, and are blessed, and kept blessed and sin no longer is our master. Therefore, curses cannot "alight" upon you because IN CHRIST you are hidden and there is no cause, no more legal right. You are COVERED by the Blood!
If Christians believe that anyone (believers or unbelievers) can send curses to them, then I would challenge their gospel.
Why do you fear? Why are you so afraid? Is your God not strong enough? Is Jesus IMPOTENT? Is He not your Shepherd?. . . He Who never sleeps nor slumbers? Is He a weak Savior? Your fears mark your blasphemous unbelief in an all-sufficient Christ!! You do not glorify Him. You glorify the Law and your glorify darkness and satan. Hello! You do not have the love of the Father in you as you self-righteously accuse, marking others as "witch" (just as in the Salem era) and believe that they have more power over your life than Christ. Do not follow these doctrines and false teachings that cause such fear and unbelief to rule and control. But, rather, allow the love of God to be shed abroad in your heart. What happened to love your enemies? But you run from each other! . . . and from brothers and sisters in the Lord. So many act like the Pharisees, who avoided defilement by contact. And so many of you try to prevent the powers of slander, but you have already allowed it and have become proponents of the worst kind of slander by listening to leaders who lie and teach this heresy.
Now as far as the cursed doctrine of "Generational Curses" . . . consider and believe this truth that "God shows mercy unto thousands of them that love Me and keep my commandments (which Christ did for you!)" ~ Deut. 5:10 The GC doctrine may sound good on the surface to some Christians but this is a heretical doctrine that suggests that salvation through Jesus Christ is NOT ENOUGH and that somewhere, the born again believer needs deliverance from the generational curses based upon the iniquities of their ancestors. So many are falsely taught that receiving Jesus is NOT ENOUGH to be free from the curses and penalties for iniquities of ages past. THIS IS BLASPHEMY! There is no such thing as a generational curse for the believer in Christ Jesus! Never does Paul or any of the disciples or apostles in the New Testament describe the activity of "breaking generational curses" or even "soul ties" for that matter. It is a false teaching that one must dig and go back into their ancestory "work on" iniquities they have inherited and could "pass on" to their children . . .IN THE LIGHT OF the truth of Deuteronomy 5:10. Here's the truth: PASSING THROUGH THE DOOR OF CHRIST, WHO IS THE GATE AND THE WAY, IS OUR ESCAPE FROM ALL PENALTY OF SIN OR CURSE OR BROKEN LAW AND ALL THINGS BECOME NEW AND YOU BECOME A NEW CREATION . . .ALL THE OLD THINGS IN YOUR LINEAGE, ALL THE GENERATIONAL INIQUITIES PASS AWAY. You are in the NEWNESS of CHRIST! You know OWN HIS lineage. And this why Paul commands us to rejoice!
Hebrews 2:14-15 ~~ "that through death He (Jesus) might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil;"
Romans 8:2 ~~ For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me FREE from the law of sin and death.
Galatians 3:26 ~~ For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:27 ~~ For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ Jesus have put on Christ.
Colossians 1:12-14 ~~ Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath DELIVERED us from the POWER OF DARKNESS, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son, IN WHOM we have redemption through HIS BLOOD, even the forgiveness of sin.
Now as a side note: Anything is possible with nonbelievers . . . curses, demon possession, etc. The Bible says the unbeliever serves the devil and is a servant to sin. The devil has ownership of them because they have not received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. BUT believers in Jesus cannot have generational curses. Surely only goodness and mercy follow them all their life. Believers in Jesus cannot BE cursed, either, and do not have the power to curse other believers. Christians have authority over the darkness . . the power to bind and to loose. But they do not have power over one another. The Lord is our song and our SHIELD, our HIGH TOWER, and our REFUGE.
We have been bought with a price! ISN'T THE BLOOD OF CHRIST ENOUGH COVER FOR YOU? Do you need to add along with it your fears and cold love? Jesus never feared and He loved even His enemies. Why? Because He knew WHO covered Him. He didn't panic in the boat during the storm. He slept. In faith. . knowing. And then He asked the disciples, "Where is your faith!"
If you are a believer in Christ, no CURSE, no POWER OF DARKNESS can come near you without first receiving permission from the Father. It is impossible. Unless, of course, you are under another gospel. . . the old system of accountability to the Law. That gospel denies the FINISHED WORK Jesus did on the cross. That doctrine instills fear into the believer, making him believe in all kinds of worldly superstition. The devil wants the Christian to live in fear of him and to walk defeated.
Well, all I can tell you is there is a better place . . .called GRACE! And we are MORE THAN conquerors because of what Jesus did for us at the cross. We are not to live in fear of anything or anyone! The Lord protects us and KEEPS US. We are not subject to a curse from any individual or from something in our family 200 years ago. We are new creatures in Christ . . old things have passed away and are now new!
John 8:36 ~~ "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."
2 Thess. 3:3 ~~ But the Lord IS FAITHFUL, Who shall STABLISH you, and KEEP YOU FROM EVIL!
Galatians 3:10 ~~ "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them." Gal. 1:8 ~~ "But though we, or an angel from Heaven, preach ANY OTHER Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Thank God, Jesus Christ has REDEEMED us from the curse of the an unfulfilled law as well as from the power of darkness. If you think anyone has more power than your Savior, I would reconsider which Gospel you follow and repent of unbelief and in an ALL-POWERFUL GOD!
OBLITERATE! Obliterate means to destroy every trace of; wipe out completely . . .mark for deletion, rub off, or erase . . .take out or remove . . .cause to change; make different; cause a transformation . . .remove completely from recognition or memory . . .do away with completely, without leaving a trace!
This is exactly what Jesus Christ has done for us! OBLITERATED all the works of evil and all darkness in and around our lives! That's Good News! What a relief! Be courageous . . fear"less", and full of His Faith and His LOVE. Be radiant and confidently shine His Light! And may Jesus Christ be glorified! Amen
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