GOOD NEWS!! There is a Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Who lives and loves us. To know this truth is very freeing from the pressure that can come through various ways. The pressure to live up to someone else's standards. The pressure to do everything right! The pressure and heavy load and yoke from those who have no faith in the redeeming power and love of Jesus. Many spiritual performers would enforce upon you their yokes. They want you to believe that whatever decisions you make are final and you must live with the consequences of any wrong decisions. This is not true. In Jesus, He lives and can and WILL redeem any wrong decisions or choices in life. We have a Redeemer! He will fix anything we break. He will make right, anything we made wrong. He knows that we are but dust, and as we look to Him for the answers, sometimes wrong decisions are made, but the Good News is: Our Redeemer lives! The pressure is off! His yoke is easy! And His burden is light! Only unbelieving spiritual performers will put that kind of pressure on you.
Let me give the definition for redeem . . .
1: to buy back : repurchase : to get or win back
2: to free from what distresses or harms: to free from captivity by payment of ransom: to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental : to release from blame or debt : clear : to free from the consequences of sin
3: to change for the better : reform
4 : repair, restore
5: to free from a lien by payment of an amount secured thereby : to remove the obligation of by payment: to exchange for something of value: to make good : fulfill.
6: to atone for: expiate
Before I became a Christian, when I was very young and impulsive, I made a poor decision. I was foolish and wrong. I decided to have plastic surgery -- breast implants! I wanted to please my fiance'. I had insecurity and I thought the surgery would give me more confidence as a woman.
A few years later, Jesus saved me! He gave me His Light and Life and a New Heart! I believed and I received His freedom, fruit and righteousness. I could SEE! Amazing Grace! Once I was blind, but now I could see! :) And then it hit me! OH MY GOSH! I realized what a mistake I had made having the surgery. I realized that it wasn't God's Will for me. (Please realize that having breast implants is not a sin in itself . . .but for me, I knew in an instant that I made a wrong decision.)
I cried out to the Lord to forgive me. I realized that I was perfect just the way He created me . . and I didn't need to add a thing to His work. :) I asked Him to forgive me. I felt terrible. Now, I will have to live with this decision the rest of my life!
BUT!! THIS IS WHAT THE LORD SPOKE TO ME . . ."Holly, do NOT look back with REMORSE! But, look forward to My REDEMPTION!"
Yes! He didn't shove my face in the error I had made. He didn't even click His beloved tongue at me! He promised me that He would fix it. . . HE WILL REDEEM THE ERROR! And no condenmation . . only tender mercy was felt in His promise. This is Jesus!
It wasn't long after that, and it is a long testimony of a series of events which included a car accident and then surgery to remove the implants . . . as well as perfect precision of the right doctors and hospitals, including the $18,000 paid by insurance! (I would have had to pay for it myself due to the fact that it would have been a cosmetic choice.)
He delivered me! He redeemed me! He removed all remorse . . . all consequences . . even the cost! He repaired! He restored! He triumphed over the decision . . . and even made it better!
If this wrong decision, this error, is redeemable by Jesus before I knew Him, HOW MUCH MORE now, as I walk and follow Him, responding to His Grace and leading, will He cover me from any mis-steps. The pressure is off folks! Look up! Relax! Follow Jesus! And believe, that your Redeemer lives and knows you and will cover you!